Friday, November 25, 2005

Favorite Things

"Too bad the things that make you mad are my favorite things."

The question is...too bad for who? For me? Yeah maybe. Cos eveytime I feel good about the events I make, I feel guilt. Is it really part of the job description of parents to make their kids feel guilt when they do the things they love?

Tomorrow, there's another party. I didn't organize it myself, given that I'm not really at the top of the food chain in the Student Council. I may sound like I'm wayyyy over my head again, but I brought this thing up the very first meeting of the Batch Assembly. That's why I'm part of this 102 Party thing. I suggested a batch party, not just for the College of Economics, but the whole 102 batch. Jen said they'll bring it up. I said to tie it up with CLA since they're supposed to be the party people. A few months later, it was up and I was the rep from CBE. Tomorrow's the big day, but there were a lot of head banging and I was busy (still is) with my JEMA project so I wasn't able to really go to the meetings.

December 3, another event at Corik's. I should really get my license. Criminy!!! So anyway, on December 3, the continuation of our RockED!!! Help Build Their Future fundraising. A lot of people are buying the CDs by the way. Woohoo!!! We need to sell a few more!!!

Next term is another term. More fundraisers on the way. We'll need to raise funds for the organization Sugar is putting up, LUNCHBOX. It'll give to the Anghel Liit Foundation, so that'll be really exciting. Plus, Sige is hooked til March at Corik's. I might celebrate my birthday there! Who knows?! But I don't wanna worry about that yet. There's more to come.

So what's this guilt I'm feeling? Is what I'm doing wrong, since it's against my parents' wishes? And when will my dad drop that frikkin law thing?! It's just sooo frustrating. I haven't been in a good mood for a whole week because of them. Hayy!!!
Let's go back to this:
People I'm Grateful For: (Since it's been weeks, okay..there has to be more than 5 and I changed it to PEOPLE!)
1. "The Psychotic Duo" aka my parents - of course.
2. Ate Erin - for just being her kulotsky self
3. Kuya Nono aka Sharkee who celebrated his 22nd - almost 21 years of being my brahhhh!
4. Zaza - you better make sure it's over. And yeah..for covering for me.
5. My Relatives (the Rivera Chapter) - my cute cousins and my Tito's and Tita's are the bomb!
6. PTF - Ernie Sarmiento Division - moral support yeahh!!!
7. My Marksoc groupmates: Lyka, Kim, Gelo, Mike, Meos. We RockED!!!
8. Sige Prod: Ted, Jam, Jad... Our tarp rules!!!
9. Mr. Rico J. Puno - for donating a lotta money and for giving Sige Prod the chance
10. Ther and Aga - the self proclaimed "cool" people
11. Madel, Lottie, Jenx, Rina, Patty - mah girls!
12. Sugar, Marben, JM, KC - moral support!
13. JV and Paul - Mockingbird and King of the Jungle support!
14. Jambo, Joven, Cez, Paul - Joke textmates. (Those jokes really brighten up my day)
15. Liz Phair - I can't get enough of "Why Can't I."
16. James Blunt - Also can't get enough of "High" and "You're Beautiful." far un na.


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