Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Blood on the Ground, Neverland, Nose Ring,

I don't wanna talk to Ate Erin now. Good thing she's not here tonight. I swear! She's been a good ate..but sometimes I can't believe how selfish she can be. See, Zaza and I were gonna go to Town and we asked her to just drop us off there since she was going to La Salle. I've been asking her what time she was gonna leave and she kept saying after exact time. And then she suddenly took a bath and she was preparing to leave. So I told her to wait for us. That was about 1210pm. I told her to wait for us til 1230. And we were done by 1220! And she left! She didn't even let us know. Man! That just pissed me off. I called her and she kept putting the fucking phone down. I really can't believe her. It was a simple favor and she couldn't wait?! I mean it's not like Town's out of the way or something. And her reason was she needed to be there by 1pm. Hah! First of's not traffic during that time, and! She's gonna use the Skyway..that's gonna take her 30 fact even less. DOI! Grrr...Well..I was desperate to get out of the house to watch Peter Pan and get a new swimsuit. So we took the jeep and mission accomplished.

It's Marga's birthday today! I have never been sure when her exact birthday is. I just knew that it's April. Hehe. So I texted Ida and I asked her that's about 7pm already! And Marga's birthday is today! I didn't forget! I just didn't know. Hehe. And what's so funny is that she's been texting me all day asking me about the plans for Saturday. We've exchanged more than 10 messages and I didn't greet her! Haha... So being a good friend that I am...I tried sending her a MMS..see I captured a couple of pictures from Peter Pan from the movie house..yes..I know it's illegal..but the movie is just visually..very nice. I mean the way they showed this perfect picture of Neverland. If you haven't seen it yet..go see it..NOW! Haha.. Going back to Marga..I tried sending her this really cute picture with Peter Pan and the lost boys looking down at the camera (from Wendy's point of view)..and with it was the message I wanted to tell her..since she's in deep shit now. But it failed like 5 times. So I decided to give her my message..and I just told her my message which was: 'Happy Bday! Sometimes we wish that we'd be kids forever so we don't have to face these grown up problems. But these problems make who we are..Better people.' With the explanation that it was supposed to be attached to this Peter Pan picture. Well she asked me to send the pic anyway, which I did. And she said it was the best message she got all day! Awwww...

And don't we all feel like that sometimes?! Like we wish we'd be kids again worrying nothing about college or the long as we have a toy to play with we're fine. A lot of shit has been happening to me and I've been down many times. There was even a time when I was just so down and I didn't know why. I dunno if other people feel that way..but when I did..I kept on thinking why I was miserable. Well I didn't really know why I felt that way (I don't understand myself sometimes!). And now I know. I felt like I wasn't in control of my life. Ever since I can remember, I do all the things that people tell me..what pleases them. Most of the time, I'm pressured to be someone I'm not and I hated people and I hated myself for that. And that explains my nose ring. It's not because of the frikking F4..or Christina Aguilera. (DOI!) It was just a message I wanted people to see. At that time, I felt like I was tied up..can't say what I wanted to say or do what I wanted to do. It's a psychological thing for me actually. It wasn't a form of rebellion. It was purely for me. I felt like with that nose ring, I could convince myself that I could be in control..and amazingly, I am now in the driver's seat! Not to mention I really like my nose ring. It's cute! I mean..even if people stare at me..I don't give a shit! Say whatever man... And..I just got a lotta inspiring shit from my friends which are helpful of course. (My friends are the best..I swear).

That's it for tonight!


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