Thursday, July 28, 2005

Here Comes the Pain...

Happy days are over. Damn. The term is coming to its final stretch and I'm feeling the pressure. My "tambay" week is over. I've been a tambay for this whole week, and I enjoyed it, but my Friendster Horoscope has never been more accurate (except for one thing).. Wow.. those Horoscopes do make sense, sometimes...

"You've never been especially fond of idle chatter. It's not that you don't like chatting with friends. You just don't like wasting your time on conversation that means nothing at all. In fact, you don't like participating in anything that doesn't have a meaningful ending. You've been dealing with that type of thing for days and you're tired of it, but there's light at the end of this tunnel now, and you know it -- the kind that will actually show you something."

I've been spending time in school and I've been having a great time spending it with my long lost blockmates I missed. It's just that, we kept talking about the same stuff: love lives, what's up and what's not, reminiscing, etc... Then Ted mentions that he doesn't go to church now, so I tried to talk to them seriously about it and engage in something that makes sense..they make fun of how deep I went with it. I mean..of course, I didn't want to ruin the whole "moment" of all of us being there so I just went with the flow...

Somehow, it's funny to me that I usually engage in good conversations when the people I'm with consumed a good amount of alcohol. Why is that? I don't usually ask for deep philosophical conversations everyday, but I feel like I need to once in a while... Not even deep and philosophical..I just need something that would contribute something to my growth...or the kind that would make me realize things that I've never been able to before...

As for that one thing..

"You are on the receiving end of a whole bunch of love letters. How to reply?"

I WISH! Actually...I like someone...and of course..I have the same problems as before. What to do, what to say, how to act? Can I just ask him out?! I WISH AGAIN. Haha! I'm pathetic...I get more and more pathetic each day. This is bad. Or better, can I just talk to him one on one for a whole hour and find out if he can give me what I need?!


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