IF this is true, something must be wrong with MOI.

Once again, I'm killing time by reading LJsecrets. I've read a lot of messages like this in LJsecrets. I really get offended!!!
I'm turning 22 in a few weeks. So what if you're 16 and you've never had a frikkin boyfriend?!?!?!?
Haha..okay.. I felt this way too, duh. There are a lot of times my friends and I talk about this. Could there be something wrong with us?! We're beautiful..okay..fine..there's a million girls wayyyy prettier than us, but hey, we're not that bad, we're not stupid either. I'm a good catch, actually (hahaha!!!). After years of thinking..I finally know why. It's not that something's wrong with me...
Guys just don't have the balls to ask me out.
But then again.. according to Zaza's book, "He's Just Not That Into You," if a guy really is into you, no matter how intimidating you may appear to be, he'll still find a way to ask you out.
That's why I hate that book! All of the excuses and reasons you could think of on why you're single is there. "He's just not that into you if he won't have sex with you." OOOKKAAAYYY! I stopped reading by the time it got to the sex part. Actually, I closed the book by the time it got to the kissing part. Hahahahaha!!! I really find my situation funny (well maybe in a few years, I won't).
I've always said to myself I'm a modern woman of the world and I can ask a guy out. Truth is? I can't do it. There's ONE guy who really tempted me to do it, but I didn't, and he never asked me out, too. Shady!!!
My friends told me I should go to the Europe and stay there for 2 months. By that time, someone must have gone crazy over my exotic look. HAHAHAHA!
Standards daw. Maybe my standards are too high. Tss.. I don't even care how a guy would look anymore (well he's gotta look at least presentable and pleasing to the eyes..haha). And he has to be smart and funny. I look at my parents and I'm actually fine with a guy who's willing to argue with me all the time. I mean arguing and debating is different from fighting. I'm also not looking for a filthy rich dude. As long as he's hardworking and he has goals diba (but if there's another Manny Pacquiao out there...hahahaha!!).
And I'm not high maintenance, excuse me. I'm just sensitive and allergic to a lot of things (this is supported by my doctor!). I'm all for healthy living so I avoid fast food and I can't just drink tap water... HAHAHAHA!!
Whattabunch of bull!!
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