Friday, May 27, 2005

Nothing's Changed

I hate my COMLAW2 prof. She's stoned face and her jokes aren't funny...she's a fat biatch. Now, that was bad. I was sleepy the whole day today and then she starts the class with a surprise test?! On the first day?! To hell with her and people like her. Give us a break woman!

I read the frikking book. 10 articles. It wasn't really hard to understand. I got it pretty good, actually. I'm just soooo...Dory. I remember's just that it takes a few minutes. It's not good to startle me with asking me stuff I just learned. I tend to panic and forget..which was exactly what happened to me. Grrr... I answered some of the questions but not very convincingly...I wasn't sure with my answers. I remembered bits and pieces, which wasn't good enough. Excuses, excuses. I just read the thing once and didn't bother understanding it further. And is this how I'll be when I take up law?! Man..I won't survive.

Me?! Taking up law?! Ohhh no. It's like I'm a kid all over again, wanting, dreaming, wishing, praying I'd be a lawyer. Well...I'm not really THAT obsessed to be one anymore. Maybe I'll try it out... Who knows..but as of now..I just hate my prof.. or rather..I hate myself for letting that happen to me.. Life's a bitch...oh well.

So! First week of school isn't so bad. I'm actually pretty psyhed being back. Back to work, work, work.. and will I actually work?! Ohh.. I can't stand myself. I can't believe I always settle for mediocrity. It's sickening. And I don't do anything about it! I keep telling myself, at the start of the term that I'll be different...but NOOO... Nothing's changed. Worse, I know I have to change.


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