Friday, March 17, 2006

Shoot Me Now

It was my first official shoot. And probably my last. It was a fun experience but I guess I'm just not born to do that kinda stuff. But that was easy money and if offered again (which is unlikely..but yeah who knows?), I'd gladly do it. It's an experience. Once again, this proves I'd rather be working behind the scenes.

First of all, I'm not photogenic and I have my days of looking good and it ain't one of those days. Thank goodness for the power of make up!!! The power of Lala Flores! But the make up has limitations, I was in a fikkin bikini. Hah! My insecurities magnified! Howell. I'm sure they'll photoshop it...for sure they will. They have to!!!

Secondly...hay nako. Kase naman!!! The original concept wasn't like that. Only our faces will be shown. Fine with me. Then they cancelled. I thought it wouldn't push through. A week before the shoot, I'm told we'll be in beach wear. Wahh!!! And I've been pigging out for 2 weeks already Haha! I dunno if I'll be excited to see myself in an ad. I was never excited to see myself on videos (I've refused to watch my sisters' cotillions and my own, and when Green Evo appeared on UNTV just 3 days ago) But..I dunno. Maybe this is my karma. The world is going to judge me now the way I'm judging models harshly. Hahaha!!! Oh life.

Today was my first official shoot and probably the last. I'm not regretting I did it. It was fun. I'm just not that type of person, I guess. It ain't for me. But I'd do it again, definitely. Even if they'll show only my hand. Easy money, mehn!!! There's a lotta things one can do with a couple thousand bucks.

More than anything, it was a learning experience for me. I met new people which is always good. They're all nice, friendly and warm and they made us feel right at home. The studio was cool. The camera and the photographer's computer were also very cool, not to mention her record player. Her dog, Kitkat was soo cute. I'll mark today. March 17, 2006: My first official photoshoot for an advertisement. Wow, i'm putting first, assuming there's a second one. Hahaha!!!


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