Before School Starts...

Crap. School's starting on Monday once again and I don't want this break to end..or maybe I do. I've sat around all day doing nothing, despite the fact that I need to get my ass moving. I've been promising myself I'd exercise but I can't seem to get up early! (I know I can exercise any time of day..but morning is just the best time to do it!). I haven't been my "detailed" self, too. Usually for breaks like these, especially since a lot of things happened, my entries should have contained not less than a million words. But oh well. *sigh*
So what happened this break that could possibly contribute to the greater glory of...mankind? Oh please. You're reading Edelicious...this is all me, and it is in fact..all me. *evil laugh*
TV. During breaks like these, the TV becomes your bestfriend, especially when you're alone in the house since everyone's at work and school. I watched Wicker Park on the first day. Then I came across some movies in HBO and Star Movies, watched The US Open but fell asleep even before the match started, saw Oprah a few times and enjoyed Lifestyle Network shows. Oh and I watched my new favorite channel, National Geographic. Very enriching actually. While I munch at the Snickers bar that was left on my parents' fridge, the guy responsible for the really disturbing exhibit, Body Worlds we saw in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago came up. His name is Gunther Von Hagen. Well, he's not that guy on the left for sure. But check him out for a while. Would you believe me if I tell you that that man holding his own skin is a real person? Believe it. Obviously a dead one but a real person nevertheless. Some people think it's sick, like me. But in a way it's really cool, too. Von Hagen invented this process called plastination wherein he can preserve anything (from cake, flower, liver, heart, human body) exactly the way it is without damaging it. He says that he did this to better understand the human body. In Germany, he wasn't accepted. But in China, a university took his idea and medical students are dissecting plastinated human bodies and they in fact in the process of making buildings for him. The question though is whether he got the permition of this man on the picture along with the other bodies being shown for exhibition. If I remember correctly, some of them were criminals who died in prison and agreed to donate it for science. In the exhibit, you can actually see the tattoo of a man and feel how real he is. At the end of the exhibit also, you can sign up and volunteer to donate your body when you die. Thousands of people all over the world are actually up for it and in any case you might change your mind, it's okay. Me? Nope. This is way to extreme for me.
What else, what else. Oh yeah. I've watched In The Womb for the second time, and I was still fascinated. I also liked watching their story Inside the Mafia. I wasn't able to watch it from the first episode, but I was just happy I caught the last one anyway. It is the story of how the Mafia started and fell. From Sicily to New York, drug trafficking to the ruthless battle for power. It's really interesting. They had a blood compact which I guess would seal Omerta - sacred vow of silence. They have their meetings which would normally be a family barbecue. Family which plays a very important role since the Mafia is a family run crime organization. What puzzled me all this time was that how these Mafia remain so religious. I mean...I find it very, very intriguing. They can stomach blowing people's heads off but they go to church. I wasn't able to know why (but I will), but I found out that one of the sacred rules of Mafia is that they should remain faithful to their wives. And at one point, when one boss aka "the Godfather" was on trial, he didn't care about the drugs and the murders, but what shamed him was when people found out he was having an affair with his maid. He was so humiliated, he wanted to hide his face under the table. Interesting, huh? (I checked the schedule..and on Sunday, 9am Inside the Mafia: Going Global will be aired..yey!)
Tivo ain't that bad. If you watch the right shows and channels, you'll actually learn something. It's just too bad these shows are on cable. What about those people who don't have it? I mean local television is soo bad, feeding people with useless shit and I'm sick of it, especially those telenovela stuff. I mean, the stories are the same. One of my dreams is to be a TV writer. I want to write a smart and funny sitcom. I've had so many ideas already, but of course I'm sure that'll be just one of those dreams. I mean..I've no talent for writing so..Hayyy... Haha...
I caught up with my reading, too. Wonderful! I've finished Marrying Buddha by Wei Hui. (When I read books like that, I look at my life and I feel like my life is so ordinary. I look at myself and see how superficial and shallow I am. I envy those people with stories to tell, tragic or not.) What I love about Wei Hui is that tells her story to self discovery. She's constantly lost, making wrong decisions but in the end, those mistakes turned out not be mistakes but rather those are the things that made her whole. Well, I'm reading Milan Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being and though I haven't reached 1/4 of the book yet, I'm already loving it. I mean, just like what I said about Wei Hui and her mistakes...we can't really say those are mistakes since we only live one life and we can only make so much decisions and that we can't really know which one is correct and wrong since there's no point of comparison. Well.. I've no idea if you got what I'm trying to say..pero..DIBA?! So maybe, regret is out of the question. The truth is I guess, is that there's no turning back. Once you decide to do something, you better do it the best possible way since you can't rewind time and undo it, no room for mediocrity. Easier said than done, I know.
And the question, once again regarding my singularity was raised. At 20, I've no boyfriend since birth. Sugar asked me, "Saving for that special someone?" I didn't respond. I've received so many questions like that. People have questioned my sexuality, but I'm straight by the way (with about .05% tendency to be lesbian). My sister also told me a couple of days ago, "If you don't meet him in college, you won't meet him at work. Kaya nga ung iba, nagma-masters." At first, I'm like.."Crap..time's running out!" Then I realized...jeez. I can't answer why I'm single. I'm not sure. It could be a choice. I know I'm ready. It's just that it hasn't happened to me yet. Whatever that thing that's supposed to happen. Sure, I'm saving for it. Why shouldn't I? I'm pretty sure he's saving himself for me too. Yeah..wishful thinking! And why not? Love is something you have to wish and thirst for, right? That's what makes it so special.
Now one last... lemme recall my Laguna trip...
Pink was the color of life during that weekend and I really felt like I did float. No, actually I flew. I flew to Neverland where nothing mattered but dancing, hugging, bubbles, sleeping and staring out the sky. I was there for a few days and I can remember every detail. We were all joking about how world peace could be attained if the world was pink. Oh well...reality kicks in and I'm a day older.
Haha. Yeah I'm loving it...
Singularity..wahahaha...I don't even care anymore! Ewan! Basta it will come!
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