Summer's OVER!

It is over (although PAGASA says it's not). The storm took away all my summer energy and has made me sick. Grr.. But it's all good. I'm just sitting back because I'll be in my OJT soon. Hayyy...
For the past days, I've stayed at home and:
1. I've watched all the movies I bought in Tower Records: In Good Company, The Family Stone, Philadelphia, Dirty Dancing, The Perfect Man, and then there's the internet downloads: 3 latest episodes of The OC, One Tree Hill and Prison Break. Not to mention the movies we watched in ATC...Poseidon and MI3.
2. I've read 2 books. I was bored out of my mind and I've seen all the videos here at home so I decided to go to Ate Erin's mini-library of chick lit. I reached out for Louise Bagshawe's Venus Envy. It was funny. I really enjoyed it. When Ate Erin came back from the US though, the first thing she gave me was: ROMANTIC FICTION (I forgot the author's name and I'm not in the mood to go all the way up to my room to find out..hehe). She told me I would love it and I did. It was soooo funny. I had a headache when I was reading it but it was too good to put down. I was laughing so hard that even if I was coughing and laughing at the same time, I didn't care. I was sneezing all day long and who knows what was coming out of my nose and mouth I just didn't give a shit. I've started reading Cecelia Ahern's PS I Love You but it's supposed to be depressing so I'm putting it on hold just like I've put Unbearable Lightness of Being on hold (hmm..I've forgotten the story already so I'd have to start all over again if I'm to continue with it!). I decided not to continue The Devil She Knows (another by Bagshawe), because like Venus Envy and all her other books, it's about socialites...and...I've had enough of that. I mean, I read Bryanboy's blog and it's making me more stupid, although I think he's hilarious. There's also another book I am not done reading yet. It's the book I bought a month ago, Branded. I'm reading it to enrich my Marketing knowledge. Hehe. It's some kinda documentary type. It's interesting but it's like I'm reading a textbook for school. Bleh..
3. I am now officially addicted to IRON CHEF AMERICA. Zaza bought a Seasons 1 and 2 and I can't get enough of it. It's just...intense, as Zaza would put it. I don't think I will learn how to cook from watching the show, though. I have a crush on the master though. "AYEEE CUISINE!!" Is that what he says? I'm not sure. Sounds like! Hehe!!!
4. I don't get tired of re-runs. In a week, I watch the following shows more than once: Amazing Race (THE HIPPIES WON!!!), Seinfeld, Project Runway, The Biggest Loser, American Idol, Ellen, Ambush Makeover...and who knows what else.
Anyhoo...a few weeks ago, I saw that picture and wow..this was just so perfect for me! Dontchathink? But honestly? I don't care. I've a theory though. Unless I overcome my fear of frogs (as in the literal frog, the amphibian), I won't be able to find THE one. It's a funny thought because I will FOREVER be scared of frogs. HA HA HA!
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