Thursday, December 21, 2006

I am a "hottie." HAHAHA!

I feel like a kid again. For some reason, I'm really enjoying the holidays even if I'm just at home. The thought of Christmas is making me feel giddy and enthusiastic. Haven't felt this in years. I dunno why, but who cares why? It feels good! It's funny because with this state I'm in, I laugh at everything including these thoughts:

1. I may actually be an old maid. I'm almost 22, never been in love/relationship and I might grow old and be Ninang Edel who will give all the cool and expensive gifts to her godchildren. A sibling might even take me in their home because they're sorry I'm alone in the world.

2. I won't be receiving gifts this Christmas. I'm already a graduate and everyone expects me to have a job right now. And in my family, when you've reached this point, YOU should be giving out presents. Thing is, I've no money and so I didn't get anyone anything. Haha!!! I'ma give out all the love I have to offer. Now that's priceless!

3. No one texts me anymore. My joke textmates have stopped altogether! It's pathetic really. When I wake up in the morning, I check my cellphone and nada. I get invites to parties and that's it. No one wants to know how I'm doing. I get texts only from my parents with messages like: Where are you? It's late. Go home. Or from my girlfriends who expect me to plan our holiday dinners/parties.

4. I can stay in my room forever. With my laptop and the internet, who needs to go out? I chat with my friends, watch movies, listen to music, read the news, solve puzzles, every-thang! I have my pilates mat here so I can work out here, too. Haha! I can call the cook to bring up the food...but of course I don't. Pathetic, eh?

Haha. I'll probably cry over these things on a more appropriate time. Maybe Valentine's. It's Christmas!!! Time to spread the Christmas cheer!!!

LAGUNA BEACH ALERT: this is gonna be sooo shallow and you may think I'm just sooo full of myself. I you don't wanna know... STOP RIGHT HERE! See ya!

Someboday made my day today!!! I was chatting with James as usual, and for some reason he made a comment about my "eternal beauty," which I thought was really funny. We joke around all the time so I thought he was making fun of me, as always. And then and he shared his first memory of me. (Hihi! It makes me smile just thinking about it!) We attended the same English class. It was our first day. He was sitting with his blockmates when I entered the room. I don't remember exactly how he said it but it seems as if they all just stared at me as I walk into the classroom and thought I was really pretty. 3 of his guy blockmates had a crush on me. Haha!!! James' term was "hottie."

Somebody thinks I'm a hottie. No make that a group of boys think I am. (YEAH!) This is really funny, noh? I've never considered myself to be a "hottie." I've never even have a group of guys drooling over me. Wait.. 'drooling' is really pushing it. Haha! Sorry if I'm making such a big deal. My entire life, only 2 guys have told me I'm beautiful (relatives and friends of parents don't count...they're biased!), and they weren't suitors or anything. They are friends. Former classmates who thought I was pretty the first time they saw me. What's really cool about it is that it was sweet and sincere.

ENOUGH before this gets into my head. Oh wait.. it already has. Haha!


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