Saturday, December 09, 2006

Not feeling Christmas

I'm feeling more like Halloween. I'm even listening to Manhattan Transfer's Twilight Zone. Once again, it could just be me or there's something wrong with this year's Christmas. For instance, it's really hot. One thing that gets me in that Christmasy mood is the cold weather. I like wearing my jackets and sweaters during December. I don't even have my comforter in my bed and every single night, I have to turn on the ceiling fan, a separate electric fan and the aircon to get a good night's sleep.

Another thing: everyday, I feel like moving out of the house. I can't seem to stand my parents. It's toxic being around them, really. It's Saturday. Give me a break. They catch me lying down on their bed, watching TV. They just came home from shopping. My precious siblings are somewhhere "working," and again, I'm the lazy kid who stays at home all day and does nothing.

(By the way, I played the labandera today. Our labandera got kicked out because of claims she has rabies, so Mom ordered ME to do the dirty job of washing our underwear. How low could that get? Well, maybe this is the life I should be living. I'm no entrepreneur so I do the laundry. Maybe next week, they'll kick out Ate Merlyn and pay me to clean the house. I mean, Dad's just asked me last week: What would I do if I'm a maid and my employer won't let me have day-offs. Hint hint!).

Dinner comes and my sisters just got home and they're off to their biznez, while I enjoy 2 servings of the pork afritada. My Dad, for the nth time, discusses about his favorite topic (in case you still dunno by now, it's business). For the duration of his heartwarming story of father and son entrepreneurs, I never make eye contact. I don't wanna get too involved. I might start talking business and God knows, I know nothing about it. So as I finish my mais con hielo, I head sraight to the TV room and do nothing. As I enjoy watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith while comfortably seated in the Lazyboy, my dad emerges from his room and was shocked to see me.

"Andito pala si Edel. Nandito pala si Edel eh... Kuha mo nga kame ng Mommy mo ng 2 baso ng tubig. Ok?"

Of course, being a lazy bitch that I am, I got pissed. (It's already starting, isn't it? They're gonna make me the new mayor doma of this house!) I went down anyway and got them their water, wondering why they won't turn on their refrigerator so that they won't have to come down everytime they're thirsty. That's the primary purpose of the ref in their room, right?


There's just so much bullshit coming out of me, noh? I'm tired of typing all these bitching. It's December, for crying out loud!!! I should force myself to embrace the Christmas spirit that this house is just so full of. (There I go again with the sarcasm!!! All this sarcasm is sucking the life out of me, not that there's really much of it left.)

Maybe I should start praying? Everyone's told me to pray for some reason. Oh yeah it was December 8 yesterday. So should I? Why? Just because it's almost Christmas? Hhmmm... Seriously though, things are starting to look up. Has somebody been praying for me? I asked Zach a few days ago: Is it okay to ask people to pray for me even if I don't pray myself? Maybe some people have been praying for me. Or maybe I'm just lucky. No. I believe the right word is blessed.


I changed the look of my blog. It's still boring. I dunno how to make it exciting. I read John Mayer's blog, he said blog without pictures is boring. I haven't been posting pictures lately. Then again, all I've been posting here are my rants. Haha!

I've been receiving good news. I hope (and pray?) that these blessings continue. Who knows? I might post pictures again of my happy times.


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