Thursday, July 29, 2004

Only Child For 2 Days

Wow.. a day with my grandparents and now, 2 days as an only far it's pretty much the same. My parents come home late. I don't even get to eat dinner with them. Well I did with Mom. Guess what? I think for almost a week now, we're good. No fights! Good start. I hope WE can keep it up.

Ate Erin's currently in the US, Kuya Nono stays with Tito Bernie during weekdays and Zaza went to Bohol for school. This is the first time ever I have all the house to myself because my siblings are away. But then again, what's the difference, right? I'm always home early and I always have the house all by myself. So this is nothing big. It's not like I'm gonna miss them or anything. We're not the hugging type really. A lot of times, Ingrid has asked me if I baby Zaza and I say her the same thing: No. I mean for sure Mom wants this hugging family but with our personalities, it's just impossible. But I must say we're okay as a family but we could be a lot closer.

My siblings don't really open up to me. I open up to them a little I guess. I tell them basically what my friends know like Kuya Nono's friend texting me, how I hated my parents during that shitty stage of my life. Well..there's really nothing to share but that I guess. Nothing's up with my life right now. I mean as much as I wanna share stories about boys..nada! Haha. My boy friends are really just funny people. Fun to hang out with. I miss hanging out with them actually. Oh well..that's the consequence for having a great schedule..haha. I don't get to hang out with them during those long breaks. Nako! Next term.. I'll only be in school TTH! That's just so cool. I can go to the gym MWF or even play tennis MWF! Exciting. I have one class with my crush..we're both Marketing shiftees. (Oh please he's just a crush and he's not that great looking. I just got turned on cos he's so confident, very friendly, eloquent and I think he's pretty smart too). We arranged it actually. Haha! And that's the only class which I know someone. For the other 3 classes..well new people. That's what college is supposed to be, right? I mean during grade school and high school, I was stuck with the same old people and in college, I've changed that. Sure, not everyone I met became close friends but hey, acquaintances are cool. Who knows?! I might need them someday. Besides, I've established great friendships with my blockmates. It's not like grade school of high school that just because we're not classmates, we're not friends anymore.

There's this film school being constructed in Mactan, Cebu. It's gonna be finished by 2005, according to their newsletter. I'm thinking, I might want to go there. Since I'm gonna be waiting for my thesis mates (they're behind a term). It's complete with the dorm and it looks promising. But then again, it's much much cooler to study film abroad, like I've always wanted. In Chicago. See, I'm all excited to go to film school but I'm just scared that when I actually go there, I'll see all these people far more amazing and creative than I am. Goodness, screenwriting..what the fuck do I know about writing? I mean my ideas for stories come and go. And what about all those techinical stuff? I know I'll go there precisely to learn all that but there's a lot of people out there who are most probably better than me. But hey, I'm not chickening out. I have to do this!!! Of course, I'll have to discuss this with my parents. Hope they'd agree and hopefully nothing will get in the way...


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