Saturday, July 10, 2004

Reality Check

I just saw The Prince and Me. I love movies like that!!! It gives people like me hope. Haha! I can totally relate to Julia's character, I swear! Except for the part that she's all focused about college and her life's planned that part..I can relate to the Prince's. I guess that's the downside of being royalty. A lot of people are expecting you to be someone and you don't have a choice. That's the problem of royalties in reality, right?

Marga, Abby and I will totally love this movie. Well, I love it. Marga saw it already, I dunno about Abby. But for sure, she'll enjoy it. We all love fairy tales. And that's one heck of a modern fairy tale.

But before I can hope for my fairy tale, I need to be focused here. I just took my Marketing Test for the second time Thursday..and I have no clue what will happen. My fallback..didn't work because although I reached the GPA requirement for BMG, my Math subjects weren't good enough. I really really really have to pass the Marketing test...and now, all I could do is...wait, and pray. If I don't pass that test..I'm completely screwed, doomed. There's just no way I'm taking up Economics. And I'm so frikking delayed already... so until the results are released..I won't be able to sleep. So now..I'm keeping all my fingers crossed...


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