Thursday, August 05, 2004

Mean Girl Feeling Sick

I'm feeling sick but not so sick. I have to get better ASAP. I have to attend this leadership training on Saturday for PJMA. I'm not sure if I'll be able to work out tomorrow though...But I want to...hayy..I hate being sick!

It's enlistment time, and my plans of having a TTH schedule didn't work out. I hate it! I've been bragging to all of my friends about my planned schedule and then this. Man. I want a TTH sched!!! I mean, I won't be having classes on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays! That's like almost a week!!! I could go to the gym, play tennis, go to the movies..I could do anything with that sched!!! How many times have I told myself not to plan ahead. Arghh!!! I get all excited but in the end, I'll just be sooo disappointed.

I'm home early today. I didn't go to Ubay. I had to do my project. Well it's partly because of that. I just wanna stay home and rest since I'm feeling sick. So all this time, I've been online, downloading songs and videos and oh yeah..The Sims! I've been wanting to have The Sims 2. Ever since I "worked" in Ubay, I've been addicted to The Sims. I actually didn't cheat. But it was the first version, so I got bored already. In The Sims 2, I'll be able to control them as in even in cooking and stuff. stupid is this? I'm excited over a silly game. This just shows, clearly there's nothing in my life now.

During the weekend, I got to see Abby, Ida, Kathy and Marga. It's been a while since I saw Ida and Marga. I've been spending a few weekends with Abby already..we even had this plan of teaching theater to the Dulaang Pilipino in STC. Wonder what happened with that. was the birthday of Abby's brother, Kuya Donny. Before that, we planned to have a kikay day. Marga had a haircut in Salon de Manila, I was too late, I didn't catch that but I went to David's with them because Ida wanted her hair cut there. I had my nails done. I wanted white nail polish. It looked so funky. But then I was wearing my new shoes. It was closed so my white toenails cracked. The one who did them wasn't really a pro. I didn't care at the time. I was just so psyched I had white nail polish. 1 day later, I removed it. It started to crack that same day. Man...what a waste of money. Anyway, Abby's evil sister was there with us. Gawwdd. I don't really hate her anymore, but she's just annoying. She's like trying to be someone she's just not. Really pathetic.

Abby and Chinky. They're like day and night. They're just so different you would never think they're related. Abby's a very simple and humble person. Chinky's all about looks and drama. ( Imelda?!). She's modelling now for who knows what magazine, probably her ultimate dream, and all of a sudden she feels like she's all that. Shit. She tried to talk like a conyo person. That, I think's the most annoying thing. And she brags about her "friends". Haha.. that's rather funny. Last time I saw her, she bragged about going to Karel Marquez's party and how Karel fucked Lucky. "Ay..did you know that Karel fucked Lucky?!" And she said it like it was the coolest thing. For me..who gives a shit?! Who cares about their sex lives. Jeez. It was a good rumor though. Haha. Who would have thought... sweet-looking Karel. Well..never did like her much. Oh and last week, "Hey, do you want to buy a journal? With the leather cover, like the ones in Cruel Intentions?" My reaction was totally NR..but Ida I guess was trying to be polite. She asked why she was selling. And she said "Cos Mylene Dizon is selling eh." HAHAHAHAHA! That's her whole fucking point of bringing it up. Gawwddd. What did she expect? We're all gonna "oohhh and ahhhh" because she's friens with Mylene Dizon? Haha. That was hilarious. Again...who gives a shit? She even asked me if I knew a certain person. I totally forgot that person's name.

"You live in the village diba?"

"Yeah." DUHH! "As in Ayala Alab-ungg?"

"Yeah why?""You don't know her?"

"I only know the people from carpool. La Salle Carpool. Why?"

"Cos diba you have like your own world there? You have parties there eh. In the houses there."


Riigggghhhhhtttt. Of course, it's about her party people "friends". The way she even asked it was so annoying like she knows what she's talking about. Frankly, I think she's a social climber. She wants to be like Tim Yap who goes to every "cool" party there is, to be seen with the who's who or whatever. How sad. I envision her when she gets old, she'll be all over the society page. A socialite. Haha!

And when we got to their house, of course there were people. Mostly old people who are friends with Abby's old brothers and parents. Abby was just wearing a simple tee and denims jeans with her slippers. But Chinky goes to her room, changes to a black halter and black mini skirt with her white high heeled sandals. Oh with her hair all blow dried. Jeez..even her nieces made fun of her. I guess that funniest thing was when she sat down with her old brother's friends who were drinking and smoking. And with her sitting with them in her get-up and her fully made up face..she looked like a hooker. As usual, we go up to Abby's room to hang. Ida was checking her Friendster account and I told her to check out my former crush. We were enjoying the moment when the hooker comes up and walks like she's so important. (Guess she got paid to leave!) And she asks "Are you done na ba?! Ako naman ah!" Well it just so happened that it was logged in my account and it so happens she's not my Friendster. "You're not my friend?!" Duhh. No. I'll never be in a million years. And she logs in to her account and shows us this girl. "Is she pretty?! Is she pretty?!" I wanted to say.. "prettier than a mile!". I didn't really pay attention with what she said..something to do with the boyfriend and shit and that girl called her..blah. All about her of course. All those time, I just rolled my eyes with Marga. Haha! Then we went down for videoke. Chinky-Bitchy was there with her boys of the moment who were being sort of interrogated by her big brother. Haha! Kathy was supposed to sing, but she had to go to another party. So instead, Abby sang her song and then it was my turn. Ida's dad came so Ida and Abby had to go up because they were burning mp3's. Marga was left there with me with my song number, "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia. Out of nowhere, she appears trying to get hold of the mic, begging me to let her sing one verse. Was she kidding? Me, giving up the mic for her?! The world must be flat. But guess what? She started to tickle me like we were close friends sharing a laugh or something. Gawwd. PLASTIC AMPOOTAH. Seems to me like she was trying to make pa-cute to her guy friends. Urgh. "This is my song!" I kept shouting with the huge fake smile on my face. But she was decent to introduce us to her two guy friends and even made beso. Man! What a show that was.

What bothers me is why she kept on disturbing us. She didn't have her "friends" with her. She probably didn't have anyone to invite. During high school, everyone knew what she really was. She was one hell of a "mean girl" and who liked mean girls anyway. Well maybe those stupid girls who'd become her sidekick. Hehe. There was even a time I think her whole class hated her that no one went with her during break time. She really deserved that, I think. If they had a trust fall in their batch, no one will be there to catch her but probably her side kick.

Abby's one of my best friends, I know and talking about her sister like I just did, it seems wrong, right? Yes it's wrong but I'm human. I can't help it. I don't hate her. Believe it or not, I don't. I just don't wanna see her ever again so I'll never have to talk about her like this. I don't feel anything when I see her. I don't like her, I don't hate her. She's a person whom I'll never forget. When I get old and have kids of my own, I'll remember her and I'd tell myself I'll never ever let my children be like her. I'm sure she has her own good qualities, but I'm sorry I just don't see it. I dunno who's to blame with what she has become because their parents are amazing people. Abby turned out great, I have no idea what happened to her. It's a pity really. I've actually learned how to ignore her actually, but that particular day, I wasn't able to. I'm just glad my sisters aren't like that. Man! I'd go insane..I'd probably commit murder..or worse, I'll go numb.

All of us have inner mean girls. I am a mean girl, I know. Judging her is very wrong. Like Abby says, she's a good person if you get to know her. The thing is, I don't want to get to know her. It's not my fault. I've tried, believe me and I've had enough..more than enough.


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