Tuesday, October 19, 2004

...A Birthday, A Party and A Funeral

Saturday was Raymond's 7th birthday. Tita Ruby has invited all of us the week before that we'd all go out. All kids (including us 4) will enjoy Timezone for 4 hours and then we'll have dinner. And so it was set. I woke up late the next morning because of I came home late already from my date from the previous night. When I was just eating breakfast, Kuya Nono, surprisingly was home and told me the bad news. Tita Dely passed away that morning. My initial reaction was "Ohmygod", but I wasn't really shocked. I kinda knew she won't last til Christmas (Oh yeah..I sound like a very insensitive bitch but when I last visited her, it was very obvious she was in pain). No question, I was sad to hear the news but as Daddy said (and we've been debating aboout this) "The best thing that could happen is the finality of death." When I last visited Tita Dely, she couldn't almost talk. And when I asked Ate Mahal if she has prepared herself for the worst, she said no. I understand her, Tita Dely has been their mom since Tita Marissa had to work abroad and their dad died when they were really young. I can't help but feel very sorry for Ate Mahal but I'm just glad Tita Dely's pain finally ended. It's a battle she was never gonna win.

When we first heard the news, Ate Erin's instinct told her to go to Ate Mahal's and help out, meaning she'd drag the two of us (Kuya and moi) with her. That was no problem with me but it was unfortunately with my dad. We rushed to Town to buy Raymond his gift and then we'd head to Ate Mahal's. We didn't have any money but the P40 I have left from the night before, the gift certificate of Rustan's and Kuya Nono's coins worse, the E-pass in Lancer wasn't there. Great. Once we got to ATC, we went straight to the kid's section in Rustan's. Kuya Nono said that what Raymond needs is a wristwatch since he's just learning how to read time. Perfect. We were trying to beat the 15-minute rule in Town (if you parked your car for 15 minutes or less, you won't have to pay) and we did. We spent only 8 minutes buying the gift and we were out in no time. Our money was just enough for the toll. When we were in the expressway, Dad called up Kuya Nono and told all of us to go back to the house. Right. Our money's exactly P42!!! After much deliberation, Ate Erin, being the eldest and all decided to just go to Ubay, even if Dad said we shouldn't go. Take note: Kuya Nono and I had nothing to do with it! Haha! When we got there, Tita Chona, Karmina, Kevin and Papa were the only ones there..and fewminutes later, Kenneth arrived from school. Of course, Mama and everyone else were at the morgue. A few hours after lunch, it was time for us to go to Glorietta for the arcade! Papa was left behind since he didn't wanna go.

Arriving at Timezone was a relief. Time to just relax and release whatever it is that's inside all of us, or simply have fun. I was there to play with my little cousins and have fun. I enjoyed anything that has something to do with shooting vampires or whoever. Racing wasn't just my thing and definitely not those skateboarding shit. It was really fun but tremendously tiring. A few hours later, Tita Joy and kids came and we continued with the arcade. Jan was also there and I kept looking at my watch so we won't be late for the ANiMOLiSTA party, being the host and all (MWAHAHA! Excited?!). I was excited actually, but worried of what could go wrong. But when I was on roll playing House of the Dead, I lost track of time. Haha! We left at around 645pm. And we were supposed to be at The Fort by 7pm. I told myself to be worried since it wouldn't be my fault if anything would go wrong.

On our way to the parking lot of Glorietta, I was feeling rather sleepy. I got so exhausted of the arcade and I almost didn't want to go to the party but the show depended on us! Mwahaha! Of course we still had to change and since we were in a hurry (or maybe I was), I changed in the car. Applied little make-up and just "jujd" at The Fort's parking lot. Then we finally came. Kim Hao was worried to death, texting me if we were coming or not. Kim was just so glad to see us, and I was glad that there were people already. Better than what I expected. There wasn't a prepared program so we just came up with one a few minutes before we started. We ate our 2 rounds of food and our complementary drink since we were really hungry (if only we could've stayed in Glorietta, we would have been eating all we can in Dad's/Saisaki!) but the pica pica food wasn't bad. I had my San Mig Light and made sure I'd have the most out of it (I drank it with a straw). We noticed that the people were starting to get bored so we started the program with a drinking contest. Jaggermeister was a sponsor and they provided us with free-flowing drinks. Amazing. (I've had about 5 tubes even before the program started). That got the people pumped up a bit. We had the boys and the girls. Next was the Trip to Jerusalem with the guys having a bottle in between their legs where the girls would be grabbing when the music stops. It should have been fun but the girls weren't very game, so it kinda sucked. Then lastly, we had the dating game. That was the best part. And honestly, it was the coolest party JEMA ever had. It was the first time people were really involved in the games. Plus there were cool prizes and the drinks really were free-flowing. Jaggermeister: The best night you'll never remember. Oh yeah. I was tipsy the whole night. One of the best feelings there is. I danced with people I just met, talked to the Marketing professors, well I hope I didn't look like an idiot. Haha! Jan was trying to set me up with DJ Benjo Marquez. Haha! Well, he was a cool guy, not bad looking either and damn was he talented. He's a DJ, writes songs, plays in a band (if I'm remembering it right), studies in the US, very independent and he's a smart guy. He's 23 but who gives a shit, right? It was really obvious Jan was trying to set me up, asking if he has a girlfriend (about 3 frikking times) and telling him I was single too. Damn. Haha. It was all cool with me since Benjo was looking for a wife already and is eager to make "little Benjo's". Perfect! Haha! He was cool, but I guess I was too tipsy to even be attracted to him. Or maybe I wasn't even attracted to him since he was short and almost balding (shocks, even when I've had too much to drink, I'm still a mean girl). But he carries good conversations and he makes a lot of sense plus he's a gentleman. I wouldn't mind talking to him again. But nothing's gonna happen for sure. There was nothing there, but the same interest for the arts.

Seemed like a perfect night. What really ruined my night wasn't the fact that my high school friends who promised they'd come didn't come (of course I was annoyed!), but it was my childhood friend, Kimoy who promised he'd show up with his friends and pay for the 10 frikking tickets he stole. Gaawwd. He just really pissed me off. First, we were supposed to meet Friday afternoon for the payment since he took all 10 tickets from Zaza (despite that I told her not to give him the tickets if he wouldn't pay) but he didn't come. I let that thing slide. But that night, he came at around 12am. Heller?! At that point, Ate Erin was already drunk and was throwing up so we were really supposed to leave already when they came. I was already waiting at the stairs. When they came, I was already tipsy and wasn't quite myself and his really annoying hip hopper friends (with the jackets and those head thingies and the girls in their terno miniskirts, jackets and sunvisors..urgh where's the sun?!) were with him. I texted him early on that he was late and that he and his friends won't be able to get his free drinks. But I really wanted him to come and pay me. And I guess 5% of me also wanted to see him and see how he evolved. But fuck that, he was late and I was irritated with him and his friends (looked really jologs). Damn, when they saw the place one guy said "Pare di tayo bagay dito." Urgh. I couldn't almost recognize him when I looked at him closely. I didn't even have time to do that "Sup Kimoy, it's E to the D-E-L" shit. All I said was "Oh..you're late. The party's over." And I guess he was just really humiliated. Well, I didn't mean to do that but I dunno what else to say. So there I was intimidating him and his friends. Haha! Then this girl whom he didn't even introduce said to me if I wanted to get out of there and join them. HUWAT?! I may be tipsy but I wasn't completely out of my mind to go with them (Oh shit..another mean girl episode!), But I was polite to lie and say that I'd still be driving home and can't go with them (well..I really was gonna drive home once we get Jan home). Then I didn't know what else to say. I just stood there and looked at them. Then Chris got out of the CR feeling really sick. Haha! I talked to him for a few seconds when my cellphone rang and guess who it was? It was frikking Kimoy. "Tang ina, niloloko mo ba ako? Nandito ka na eh!" Oooppss.. Didn't mean to say that. But it really did come from my stupid mouth. Then he quickly apologized. Okay...I wasn't trying to be mean so I talked to him, for the first time. That broke the ice and then I explained that since they didn't really get anything from the party, they didn't have to pay. I've been mean enough. Then he felt relieved. Jeez. Then this girl kept butting in, the girl whom he claims he loves, well I was nice to her and even joked about them coming together. Oh well. Then I went to introduce him to my drunk sister. Then she started to say stupid things, bringing up the past. Blah. She was embarrassing, but who cares! What are prends are por! Haha. Then we said our goodbyes, his "girlfriend" was "feeling close", even made beso. OKAY. That wasn't really the best way for us to meet after how many years of not seeing each other but..well what happened happened. Maybe when he's online or something I''ll apologize..or maybe not. Haha..I'll be nice, I'll apologize.

On our way home, Ate Erin was just really drunk and we kept stopping the car in the middle of the road so she could throw up. She suddenly became this conyotic girl that I was when I was drunk. She was making such a big deal of me and Jan hosting together, leaving her alone that caused her to drink a lot. She was also talking endlessly about how stupid she was for not answering her phone when Ate Mahal called her. But, we made it. Jan's really one devoted guy. I mean, really. He'd put his finger in her mouth to make her throw up, changed her clothes, bring her up to her room and tuck her in her bed. Awww... But! Nevermind!

For the last part...I'll finish it tomorrow. Hehe..


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