Saturday, September 22, 2007


A lot of things have been happening lately but I feel like I'm not actually there to experience it. I feel kinda detached from the world these days.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Just a Phase?

I feel overworked and extremely underpaid. I know I said when I first started working that I don't care about the money, it's after the experience and all of the learnings I'm supposed to gain, but I feel like I'm missing on a lot of things. I've seen my friends traveling and I feel like I'm stuck here. My GMAT reviewer has been hiding in my drawer for a few months already and as much as I want to start reviewing it, I'm busy or just tired. I max out my weekends as much as possible because it's the only time that I have outside work. I don't mind watching 4 back to back movies or just doing nothing because I feel like I'm running out of energy. Am I burned out? Hah! My bosses are calling me "supergirl." Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not really sure...

It's funny though how I got here. I've always wanted to work in an agency, in the best-looking building in Makati. Tada. I'm there. For 6 months already, in fact. I said I'll only work here for 2 years but time's been flying extremely fast. I'm not thinking of qutting or anything, but I want a 1week break. A week of not doing work-related stuff sounds like paradise.

I'm sure this is just a phase. I should be back to work 100% by Monday. Hayy...


It's scary how my bosses are Alpha females. There's a Bazaar issue about Alpha Females and I can relate. There was a woman there and she said something like "I'm not sure if I'm single because I work hard or I work hard because I'm single." It's only been 6 months, I know... But I don't wanna get to that point.