On Love and the Future...and Babies.
At this point, I wouldn't know if someone reads my blog, but I haven't blogged in a really long time and I miss it.
So, so for the big announcement that I'm sure my 'readers' all want to know. Yes, I have a boyfriend. For two months already, actually. Yes, I'm in love and very happy. I met him through my GH boys: Aga and Ted. He's Aga's barkada in high school. He's an art director for Eventscape Manila, but moreover, he's an artist. He paints and he's amazing. I had my doubts at first but I guess the attraction (on all levels, meaning not just physical) was there. He proved to be sincere and I think most of all, he gets me. I met him November, got together in February, but I feel like we've known each other for a long time. He makes me very, very happy and I'm in love. So, that's the end of that. Next!
As for my job, I am still doing events for Arc. I'm happy with it. I'm used to the stress and I think it makes my work exciting. I think I'm gonna stay in the company for another year. I've to figure out my future. Seriously. Thinking about the future kinda scares me. I know I want to go to New York or London or some place fierce to study / work / whatever. I feel like I need to do it. I need to do it for me. I don't have a gameplan yet, and that's what scares me. I know I want a creative agency of my own, and that's why I need to go out and see the world. Hayayay.
On babies. Haha. It's crazy I know but I just have to let it out. Since late last year, I feel like I want to have a baby. Of course, I haven't gone out of my mind, and no, I'm not having a baby anytime soon. I dunno what the reason for this is, honestly. I'm finding it all funny. Haha.