HIT ME! - Edel
So I had to visit my doctor the other day and apparently, my hormones are imbalanced again. My last visit to the doctor was last year when I had alopecia and my period got weird. This time though, I still have my hair (I'm growing it), but my period is weird, so immediately I thought this has got to be the hormones.
What's even more weird is the fact that I don't have so much work load now. I'm in fact, in my office doing this because there's really nothing to do. This has been goin on for 2 weeks already. My mind's starting to wander off. I'm getting bored and I'm looking at job opportunities abroad. Hah!
Point is, because of this hormone thing, I'm back on The Pill. I hate taking meds. Especially not this one, because it makes me fat. Sure, my boobs will get bigger, but everything else will be bigger: my thighs, my arms, my tummy. Arrrgghh. I should really start exercising again. Actually, I've been planning to...since the year started but... I've so many buts. I will, I will. SOON.
A lot of things have happened in the past few months. For one, that Bacolod trip I was supposed to have with my blockmates last May never pushed through. Haha. But, went back to Singapore to visit Zaza a few weeks ago and it was fun. Got to appreciate all these artsy stuff. But more than anything, it was great to see my younger sister. She has matured in a lot of things, I must say but she's still a whiner. She still complains about everything. I can never truly understand her situation, I guess. She's there alone, while I'm here comfortable. All I want for her to do though, is for her to change her attitude. She's always on the defensive, feeling like everyone's after her. She should just embrace this experience and learn everything she can because she'll learn something about herself too. Well! Easier said than done!
Oh, and when I was there, I finally got to do the reverse bungee! That was one hell of a ride. I threw up after, lost my watch and triggered my vertigo, but I'm glad I did it.
Hmm, what else is new? My mom has "retired" from Dependable Packaging and Printing House Corp...or so she says. Haha. What's really funny about my MUTHER is when she says she'll do something, almost always, she ends up not doing it. I mean, she still goes to her office, plus!!! She's looking for a new office because she and my dad formed another company. Don't ask me what, I just know it's a trade company. Good thing about her retirement is she's now into golf. Every week, she'd go to the driving range and have her lessons. What's even better is finally, my dad has someone to play with. So now, they talk about golf non-stop. It's cute. My folks are cute.
Then there's Ate Erin, who moved out for the second time. With the prices of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING increasing, she decided to save. SAVE!!! OHMYGOD! My curly-haired sister only knows how to spend money is saving. SAVING!!! Haha. And she's happier too. I can see that she's very happy with Raoul. Raoul's such a nice guy. Too nice, in fact. Sometimes I feel like if something goes wrong it'd be because of my sister. It's mean yeah. But then I think that Raoul knows how to deal with her, in ways most of the people around her, even me, don't know how...which makes Raoul good for her. At the end of the day, I'm just happy to see her happy.
Then there's my brotha. The genius that is my brother, is going to the US to study...hmmm... what is it exactly? Uhh. Game development. He passed the test and got accepted in one of the top Computer Science schools in the US. How badass is that! He'll be leaving fro Pittsburgh soon, in a month actually since school year starts in August I think. They've been checking out the net, looking for a place where he can live. Wow. Things are happening so fast! I dunno what his plan is with Tricia but my gut tells me he'll propose before he leaves and then they'll have a very long engagement. Haha. He'll be there for 2 years. Wow. I wish him the best of luck.
Seems like everybody's got something going on with their lives. And I'm starting to feel the pressure of I dunno what...moving out or getting an MBA, working abroad. Hayy. I am somewhat bored with my career, honestly. I feel like I need a new challenge or a new environment. I've become very comfortable with my job that I don't get excited anymore. Arrgggghhh. Maybe this is why I am stressed. And it has dawned on me: why do I feel like I have to live up to my parents' expectations of taking over the business? I mean, clearly, Culinary Arts and Game Development has nothing to do with what my folks have established. But then I realized: I am good at making money, and I am a good business person, and taking over isn't really my goal, it's more of developing my own business with what I know and what I do best. I am starting to realize what I want to do. I kinda know what it is but it's not that clear yet (if that makes any sense). I need to iron this out. I need to start now. I mean, I only have less than 5 years to make my first million. And believe me, I will. I just don't know how yet.