When I Drive, it's a Group Thing Ya Know!
Yesterday, I drove all day. As in.. ALL DAY!!! It was jobhunting day for me, Marga and Ida. It's fun actually. We're a bunch of crazy people who makes fun of everything, whatever the circumstance is. We've been bums for a long time and so we realized, it was time to get our asses off the couch and start looking for a job. We have, and we did, yesterday. I brought the car, particularly Opel..I didn't wanna bring Lancer because it's not tinted in case an MMDA creature sees how clueless I am behind the wheel..so bringing Opel meant exercise for me since I have to press the gas and breaks harder plus, the stirring wheel is frikkin heavy. So anyway, getting from point A to point B is one thing. I got 3 people telling me to go: Ida, Marga and Zaza (she went with us because she had an album launch to attend).
Typical Scenario:
We're all talking about anything..say...JAMES BOND (hah!) and all of a sudden, I'd stop the conversation completely..
"Oy ano liliko na ba? Right, left or straight?"
Then the 3 girls wold have to tell me where to go..sometimes they all know where to go, which is the best thing but when someone disagrees I get completely lost...
So I follow their directions and then..
"Okay..so anyway! Diba?! Ganda ng song ni Chris Cornell!!! Wahhh..ang hot ni James Bond.."
The conversation continues. Haha!!!
If getting from Point A to Point B wasn't enough, wait til I park the car. I'll enter the parking lot and of course, I'd tell eveyone in the car to look for a space. When we see a slot... I'd park the car backwards. Ida would automatically look at the back. And yesterday, I brought the car without the censor that would beep when I'm about to hit something. I know how to part it..I just haven't mastered it. So Marga would tell me whether I'm doing it right or if I need to move the car forward, if I should start backing up. Haha! It's sooo funny.
Then we went to Makati for Zaza's friend percussionist's album launch in Makati. All I can say is.. 'TANG INANG mga ONE WAY YAN!!! Seriously. I don't say that phrase very often and I try not to. But I swear... I have never been so harassed before. Worse, after the gig, we went to drop Ida and Marga off and then Enzo's house for our weekly cell (uhh..yeah look's like I did keep it up). I never realized how hard it was to drive at night until last night. Taxi cabs didn't have their frikkin' lights on! How the fuck am I supposed to know they were coming?! Are they mad?!?!?! I AM MAD! I've never cursed so many times before, seriously. I can hear my passengers just laughing but they didn't realize how stressed I was. I tried to just sing Kelly Clarkson but it didn't work. I was soo stressed I ate a thousand dark M&M's (then again..I can eat a thousand more of those even if I wasn't stressed), and pizza in Enzo's house. I was sleepy, then got sugar rush and then burned my lips by putting too much hot sauce in my pizza (but it's gooooood!). With all those emotions and chemical reactions in my body, my sharing didn't even make sense..as always.
I can still feel the stress of yesterday's drive.. I need to swim...